Troubleshooting Guide – sample

Initial training a team on new software is one task – educating them on the often analytical means of troubleshooting issues as the model progresses is a completely separate one.

I’m working on an extensive Troubleshooting Guide – divided up in to sections:  Output graphics, Visibility and Workflow, Data Management, where a variety of common issues have prompts for a user to check, from project-wide  down to individual elements.
I’ve included a snippit as an example, below:

The goal to this project is to educate the teams to quickly assess a situation to know if the problem is systematic, and thereby resolvable via settings, rather than to immediately turn to ‘forcing’ overrides onto individual elements, which is a very human tendency, especially when under deadline pressure.

I’ll be running this by my BIM Manager collaboration team, and will hopefully be ‘field testing’ it among the project teams by mid-summer!


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2 Responses to Troubleshooting Guide – sample

  1. Malbon says:

    Straight to the point and well written, tyvm for the blog post

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